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Saffron Turmeric Latte

I am a big fan of homemade Christmas gifts, preferably edible in any form. That is why I can not withhold from you my latest discovery, which beams the loved golden milk into a completely different dimension. Because sometimes it has to be something special.

In this cold season I really like golden milk, it is so warming, calming and as proven inflammation-inhibiting. With a hint of saffron, however, it becomes a decadent delicacy, which is also pretty fine after the meal as an alternative to espresso.
For me, saffron has always had a tremendous appeal, whether it be risotto, ice cream or in cakes. I like this sweet-smelling, musty note, which lends a the precious aroma to any dish, and a touch of the orient, which the scent exudes. In addition there is a wonderful mood-lightening color, which even intensifies the warm golden color of the milk.
So time for a golden milk upgrade – why did not I get there earlier?

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So it was really his last album.
There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.
I will miss him.

Oh 2016. You wild thing.
So much has happened this year, in the wide world and in the small and near one.

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It is Sunday and I’m listening to the new album of Leonard Cohen, who ups the ante with 82 years. I find it impressive, at this age to be still so at the pulse of the creation, and inspiring anyway, and somehow gently reassuring to know that it is possible. For more about his moving life and also about the struggle for a good song and what connects him with Bob Dylan, read on here. Also worth listening to is this conversation with Adam Cohen, who is not only his son, but has also produced the new album.

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Two weeks ago was the longest day of the year, the summer solstice. What have I loved this day, as well as their wintry counterpart, as a child. The mythical stories and the magical long light, in the North more noticeable than in the South.
Time to look back on the past few weeks and write down the things that were and are good. Quite a lot has happened.

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Mango Kokos Chiapudding

There are things that are so delicious and simple that you can hardly believe them. This 1a Mango Chiapudding for example. Born out of a Sunday night hardship (dessert? Hm, we still have a mango …), it’s been made for weeks, always for dessert or in the afternoon, just like that. Made in no time and sensationally good. Add sugar-free, lactose-free and low histamine (more on this soon).

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