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Rosensalz 1a Kitchen


“Friendship is the salt of life.”

This summer, I learned something big about friendship: that after courage (often) something very beautiful follows. And because I know that sometimes it takes an impulse from the outside, and I’ve experienced it as something so important and warming, I would like to promote this kind of courage to jump over-the-own-shadow.
In the end, the moments we can share with friends (… and with the loved ones and la famille), with people who know us – and who we know – since a long time are so beautiful and important. So if there is someone you would like to contact again since a long time: just do it. Do it! It may be that you both end up after 5, 10, 15 years and not even know where they went.

And then you may have a toast with rosé, or with rosy salt on buttered bread.
For as friendships are the salt of life, the salt is the best friend of vegetables.
Or pasta.

Or buttered bread.

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Life has happened quite a lot, lately.
Travel, ideas, health, food, reorientation, reading, experiments, lots of conversations about taste and emotion, and finally two moves (one with the sweetheart and one in the commuting town).
And because I also encounter so much goodness in real life and in my work afar from recipes but in regard to cooking and eating, I have been thinking for some time how I can let more of it flow in here. And I do have an idea about this, more on that very soon.

Well, but first a few nice things because August it is, or because it sometimes even feels a little like summer up in the German North, and, because:
Do you already know the dancing farmer? Alone the video is great, but then Jay Lavery has a permaculture farm, too, a lovely Facebook page and has been on the Ellen show (best to watch the video on his FB site, on Youtube the song had to be removed for copyright reasons.)

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No matter if you are expecting guests and are in the midst of a houseshining, want to slow dance later this night around the kitchen tabel or if you rather spend those days between years with a cordless screwdriver, like I do.
Maybe this music mix is a nice company.

Happy new year, let it glitter!

Kindest, Anni


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