Spiced Apple Calvados Punch

In a week already is Christmas.
Somehow December, the older I get, passes faster and faster. Quasi in four times fast video search. It was just October, and hey, it´s the third advent now.
Far are the days of childhood when we brothers and sisters flattened our noses at the kitchen window, in anticipation of the Christ child at the edge of the forest. We could hardly wait to finally open another door on the Advent calendar.
Every year, I got a tiny, postcard-sized advent calendar hanging on the wall next to my bed. In the morning first thing, I opened a window. I can not remember ever cheating, the little fields decorated with glittering marks were too magical. And I guess they laid out some foundation for my deep passion for everything glitter.

Christmas, then. Every year I plan to accept no more bigger meetings in December and to plan as many quiet moments as possible.
To bake my favorite cookies, for example, with loud music (I have exactly two varieties that need to be, and even when it’s the 24th).
Or for walks through the ice-cold park.
Or punch drinking with girlfriends.

Apple punch with spices (and calvados)
A winter punch made of apple and spices, with or without alcohol. In comes a Ceylon cinnamon stick and anise star, a slice of ginger, and of every other spice each five: pimento, cloves, pepper, and cardamom.
Spiced up with a dash of Calvados the punch warms a bit more. Without it is also a wonderful
If not all spices are in the house – no problem. Even without cardamom or just with anise and cinnamon, it tastes great. However organic quality should have everything, if possible.
And for the very cozy there’s even a quick fix at the end.
This punch can be prepared well ahead of time and reheated shortly before serving, or filled into a bottle a host gift for early consumption to bring along (then refrigerated until opened).
Recipe for 3 glasses:
_ 500ml natural unfiltered apple juice
_ 250ml of water
_ 1 Ceylon cinnamon stick
_ 5cm ginger, sliced
_ 5 allspice
_ 5 black peppercorns
_ 5 cardamom seeds, whole
_ 5 cloves
_ a shot of calvados (or rum or vodka) if you like
_ Sweeteners at will and taste (for example honey or rice syrup)
_ Decoration: apple, cloves
how to do:
_ Bring the apple juice and water to the boil with the spices, simmer 15-20 min. over low heat.
_ In the meantime, if you like, you can cut a small apple into slices and fill it with two cloves each. Put 1-2 apple slice into each serving glass.
_ Pour the punch through a sieve, fill into fireproof glasses, round off with a small dash of Calvados or enjoy without alcohol.
Quick Fix:
Instead of single spices, simply use 1 teaspoon Yogi Tea Classic Chai (loose tea) in the apple juice mixture. After 15-20min strain and proceed as above. Also delicious! slightly darker in color and a little more nerdy in taste.
Voilà and Chin Chin!
Have a wonderful Christmas time.
A note about cinnamon:
se Ceylon cinnamon if possible, since Cassia cinnamon is suspected to contain significant amounts of harmful